
Monday Photography-My Random Yard Stuff

This morning i posted on G+ if anyone had any idea's what the Monday Photography theme should be today. And one of Hannah's friends commented back, 
"You could go outside and just take pictures of whatever you find :P"

What a good idea. After all, i have done that sometimes. 
Just go outside and take random pictures. (it actually can be pretty relaxing...)
However, because our yard is rather messy (from a little windy storm we had this morning) i took pictures of my mom's plants, my favourite dog, some of our delicious grapes and then just a random picture of wet petal! [:

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy, and send me a message anytime, on G+ or through email ( live.laugh.love.teenagers@gmail.com ) if you have any idea's for monday photography themes, or even if you have a prayer request or something you'd like posted let, Hannah and i know [:

Hope you're school year is off to a great start [:

-Chavonne S


Emily Madison said...

Glad you liked the idea!! :D I love the pictures!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Emily [;