
photo challenge: little kids

Our next photo challenge's theme is little kids since the most people voted for that(duh). Here are a couple rules:
  • no editing
  • photo must be taken BY YOU
  • all photos must be entered by September 15, 11:59 pm est

And this contest is worth 2 points. Also you can send us your photo by e-mail: live.laugh.love.teenagers@gmail.com

And that's it!
Have fun everyone!!! :)


pHoTo cOnTeSt vOtInG

Hello Awesome People!

Alright, so we're going to do things a little differently for this upcoming photo contest.Instead of us choosing the topic,we are going to have YOU vote.Now, we have three topics from which you can choose from:

2.Little Children

The voting ends on August 17.
So please comment your vote down below, vote on our poll, or e-mail us, and have an absolutely,positively,fabulous weekend!
~The Three of Us~

p.s. our e-mail: live.laugh.love.teenagers@gmail.com