
a few things i found to be amusing // friday post

Okay so whenever I get on pinterest, I end up dying laughing over the stupid pictures on there. Here are a few of my favorites. :)


lady of the sea

she dives with a swish of her tail
and disappears in the murky deep
i try to follow
i catch a glimpse of tangled hair
i hear a song of ancient tune
then all is gone
like a dream that never came to pass
oh to solve the mystery of the mermaid


Monday Photography-Black and White (B/W)

I'm starting to love this monday photography idea. Its lots of fun. And i certainly hope you guys are enjoying as much as i am! [:

Anyways, i decided the photography theme for this week would be B/W. This is one of my favourite photography setting.
It sometimes can add more to the photo...Or that's my personal opinion! =P

Of you have any idea's for next weeks photography theme, send me an email @

Have an awesome week guys [:



Chavonne's friday post

Hello blog followers,

As some of you may have noticed i did not do my monday-photography. So sorry! I'm at my grandparents are the moment and did not have time to put some photos together and since my grandparents don't have the best of internet its rather hard to even do a post and check emails (which i do rarely).

I did however manage to find something you guys could all pray for:
Eastern Russia earthquake

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Feel free to send me an email for the monday photography.




light illuminates clouds
spreading colors
blue, lavender, pink
red, orange, yellow
a watercolor
painted by the Artist above


friday:: butterfly wings

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/47136971" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/47136971">rainy afternoon</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user6324060">hannah elizabeth</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


writing:: kidnapped

image via pinterest

I step down from the last step, barefoot. As one foot abandons the roughness of the wood, the other is meeting warm, yellow sand. Sand curls itself between my toes, slowly burning hotter until I’m leaping to avoid the yellow pool of fire. A breeze picks up off the sea. First friendly and sweet-smelling, now sinister. Once a breeze, now a strong wind, it grabs me from behind and draws me upward towards its home of cotton balls soaked with dew. First offering relief from the scorching sand, but now it is kidnapping me. It carries me in its strong arms, up, up, but then swoops back down like a roller-coaster. I scream in panic as it roars powerfully and fills my face with its hot breath. Wind drops me then and I’m falling, screaming, flailing, crashing into water that feels like concrete. I’m afraid to open my eyes lest I find out I am dead, but then I’m awake.


Monday Photography-Little Girls

I have such good memories from when i was little. Most girls have childhood memories of playing with dolls, having tea parties etc. 
I did that to.... rarely though.

You see i'm between two boys in my (large) family and since i'm close to my older brother, i was a major tom-boy. I'd go fishing with him and my grandpa ALL the time, hunting, have wars, get muddy. It was a blast. 
And i wouldn't change it for tea parties, dolls and clothes. 
Since i have little sisters and they are girly girls who love tea parties, dress up and house games. its fun for me to compare my childhood to theirs. 
(Gotta say i think i got the better end of the deal :P)
Anyways, i'm going to stop blabbering about my awesome, tom-boy childhood and let you see some pictures [:

Gotta say this brings back some memories of my friends and I. 
Childhood is the best, eh?
Hope your week has started off great ;)



wednesday post {a little late} -- writing

                                                                              (all images via pinterest)

A couple years ago, I could not stand writing. Now I love it. I don't know exactly what happened but after hating it forever, this year I finally realized how much I love it. Instead of dreading the writing assignments at the end of each chapter, I can hardly wait until they arrive. I enjoy even essays. I usually don't like getting started but once the first sentence is written, I can't stop. For some unexplained reason, I went from despising writing to adoring it.

I think my favorite type of writing is poetry. It is so pretty, and I love the way it just flows. And metaphors are so much fun. Despite my teacher -- who is rather annoying (and no it is not my mom) -- I'm really enjoying Literature this year because we are delving into all kinds of poetry, short stories, etc., and they all contain huge amounts of imaginative comparison.

Short stories are fun, too. You know how Suzanne Collins wrote the Hunger Games? And how Ann Voskamp narrates her blog? That's my new favorite writing style. Its so much more fun to write in present tense. It just makes it so much more intense or something. I like poring over Pinterest for inspiration and I think it works.  

I think I definitely inherited my mom's love for writing even if it took a few years for me to realize it. What's something you used to hate but have learned to love?

P.S. I also inherited my aunt's giggle streak.