

~Hannah and I are switching every week on our posting days. So for example i did today's monday photography, and she'll be doing her Wednesday Post also this week. Next week however, she'll be doing Monday Photography and i'll be doing Wednesday Posts.

~Every second friday there's going to be a contest. On the friday in between the contests, Hannah and I are going to be doing a post together. We're excited about this and already have a few idea's lined up.

~For everyone who sends us an email suggestion idea's on posts, or "Monday Photography" themes, (etc), they will get 5 points. But you may only do this once a month, so you don't get 30 points or something within a few days =P)

We're so excited for the new changes and hope you are, too! :) Thoughts on the new design?

Monday Photography-Summer Photos

Thank-you to all you ladies that suggested doing a photo-shoot with fall leaves. Its a splendid idea, and i would totally do it however, i had a better idea which you will read about at the end of this post. [:

Anyways, just thought i'd do one last post on summer. I know i know, saturday was the first day of fall and all, and even though i do love fall, summer is such an awesome season, its sad to see it go.
So anyways, one last post on some photos i had completely forgotten about, and then i'm done with summer photos. [:

Let me know which one is your favourite and if you have any suggestions for some more photography posts you can send us an email [:
( live.laugh.love.teenager.blogspot.com )

Also, there are some changes being made for the blog. I'll be making another post after this one, laying out all the changes for you guys [:

First, we haven't had a photo contest FOREVER!
Now like i said earlier i had an idea. So for everyone who puts in a photo, when i do my "Monday Photography-Autumn Leaves" post i will post everyones pictures that were sent in!

The contest will end October 5 (So by Monday we will have picked a winner, and got the post all ready).

~Photo has to be on something about fall (doesn't have to be on leaves)
~You are allowed to edit
~Photo's must be yours (no internet photos)

Well that's about it! Can't wait to see you're amazing photos!

-Chavonne S


Monday Photoraphy-Bokeh

Again, i was looking for inspiration for a photography theme this morning, and again one of Hannah's friends helped me. 
Bokeh is so cool in photos! I've done several photos in Bokeh, however i cannot seem to find them. :-/
So maybe i'll take some new ones.
Anyways, here are some that i did find (i almost didn't post some because they're christmas themed, but i couldn't find my others. So Christmas themed it shall be..)

this was taken at my grandparents this summer

And yes, this is not bokeh, but nonetheless, it 
is a rather cool photo so, i 
decided to post it.

Which one is your favourite?

Have a great week guys

-Chavonne S


Hilton Head

Having fun in Hilton Head! Maddie and Dianna are along this year, and so that's fun. Our week so far has consisted of singing Call Me Maybe, Payphone, and Hold Me constantly, throwing bobby pins at each other, trying to use crutches without breaking our legs, friendly brawls on the floor, naps on the beach, feeding the turtles, and watching tons of movies. So yeah we're having fun. :) More posts ad pictures coming soon. :)


Monday Photography-My Random Yard Stuff

This morning i posted on G+ if anyone had any idea's what the Monday Photography theme should be today. And one of Hannah's friends commented back, 
"You could go outside and just take pictures of whatever you find :P"

What a good idea. After all, i have done that sometimes. 
Just go outside and take random pictures. (it actually can be pretty relaxing...)
However, because our yard is rather messy (from a little windy storm we had this morning) i took pictures of my mom's plants, my favourite dog, some of our delicious grapes and then just a random picture of wet petal! [:

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy, and send me a message anytime, on G+ or through email ( live.laugh.love.teenagers@gmail.com ) if you have any idea's for monday photography themes, or even if you have a prayer request or something you'd like posted let, Hannah and i know [:

Hope you're school year is off to a great start [:

-Chavonne S


Monday Photography-Tea Cups

When i was baby-sitting a little girl last year, she had been showing me her tea-cups and i thought later, how cool it would be to do a little photo-shoot with them. So when she went to sleep and i had to wait another 1 for her mom to come home, i pulled out the tea-cups and did a little photo-shoot with them [:

Special thanks to Hannah, for doing my posts while i was gone!
You're such an angel Hannah! 
Thanks SOOO much <3
