
Blog Plan

Hi guys! We've slacked SOOO much lately, its awful!

So us three girls have been talking, and we have figured out a little blog plan. On Monday's i'm (Chavonne) am going to be doing photography. So i'll pick a topic/theme and post a few pictures on it. If you guys wanted to shoot an email saying what you want next weeks theme/topic to be, by all means please do. I'd love to do that for you guys. :D

So on Wednesday Hannah, will be doing writing. She said pretty much writing stuff, poems, encouraging notes, etc. She'll probably be able to explain that one a little more for you [:
And Emily will be posting Friday. She's been really busy so we haven't actually pin-pointed a topic she'll do. So i guess we'll have to see what happens on friday. [;

So thanks so much for following out blog, and if you're reading this thank-you for still visiting out blog.
Hope you guys have a fabulous week! [:

-The Three Of Us

1 comment:

Trevor said...

Emily - this could be practice for the blog you still haven't given me the 20 topics for...