
busy school year

What can i say? We're having a busy school year? :P
Isn't everyone else?

We're also running out of idea's on what to post about!
ANY idea's would be appreciated! You can email us at:


So.......I guess i should do a quick update:

As the rest of us is having a busy school year and has gotten a part time job.
And also is very excited for Christmas, as we all are!!
(well at least we are! :P)

Unfortunately, Hannah's family is sick, so please pray that she doesn't get sick as well.
(Well she's actually kinda sick but not like bed ridden because she's SO sick, so just pray that she gets better and doesn't get TOTALLY-BED-RIDDEN sick)
Hannah has being reading the series, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" and says its a very good series. So if you're looking for something to read, you might want to look into that! :)

Chavonne has being very busy with work, school and life.
She's also started a photography course so her school week is pretty much always booked up before it even starts.
She's also going to start reading a series of "Sherlock Holmes". So whoever wants to read mystery books, Sherlock Holmes is a total classic and is suggested! :)

Well that's about it.
If you guy's have ANY question, (even random ones like, "Hannah, what are your favourite movies? or, "Emily, what's your favourite bible verse?" or "Chavonne, what's your favourite colour(s)?"
ANYTHING at all you can totally ask us and we'd be thrilled!
You guy's have an awesome week, and again if you have ANY suggestions on things we can post about, or even if there's something you want to "get out there" but don't have a blog you can totally ask us and we might be able to publish it on our blog (just as long as its not insulting anyone, hurting anyone, or not honouring God).

Have a great one guys! :)

-The Three Of Us


Trevor said...

ideas to write about:
Travel (where do you want to go? Why? /Where have you been? What did you like/dislike about it?)

relationships? What is it like having a lot of brothers? sisters? older/younger...

Remember the book/movie Marley & Me. The guy was a columnist - he just wrote about his life, what he saw in the world around him.

You could write your opinion about what you read in the newspaper, or what you heard from other people...

There's LOTS of stuff to write about it. If you think "oh, that's boring - nobody would want to read this"... ask yourself "What can I do to make it interesting?" Don't give up until you finish writing something you can post ;)

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Thank-you so much for the idea's Trevor! :)

We'll definitely take them into consideration! :D

Thanks again! :)
-The Three Of Us

Andrea said...

I would love to see favorite pictures of where you all live and how you got to know each other. :) It sounds very interesting. Also, your favorite color, Chavonne. :D I'm intrigued.