"I would love to see favorite pictures of where you all live and how you got to know each other. :) It sounds very interesting. Also, your favorite color, Chavonne. :D I'm intrigued"
No, Andrea we did not forget your question! :D
So to answer your question each of us has taken a picture of where we lived, and then have wrote a few sentences on how we met! I hope you guy's all enjoy! :D
So let's see, how did we all meet? Well, I was supposed to get a pen-pal for an English assignment and my mom asked around for someone I could write. So, Chavonne's mom suggested her, but to email since she lives in Canada, so we became email pals. A few weeks after that Chavonne introduced me to Emily(they had met a year or 2 before), and we all became fast friends. :) So yes, that's how we met. We've never gotten to meet each other in person which is really sad, but we're still trying. :)
Hi! As you already know,I am a friend to Hannah and Chavonne.And honestly,I couldn't ask for better friends.They just seem to always be there for me with the perfect words. Chavonne and I met each other through our Mom's. Chavonne and I started emailing in 2006,and have been awesome friends ever since! We haven't actually met each other seeing Chavonne lives in Canada,and I in Pennsylvania.I met Hannah through Chavonne,and I am SO happy Chavonne put me in touch with her,Hannah is always making me laugh.Even when it's not that funny.She just has that way about her (; I met Hannah sometime around 2008.Us three have had so much fun together doing voice chat,talking on the phone and emailing.I've never met Hannah either :( Our dream is to one day get together(: We all hope it's very soon.
Here is a picture of where I live.I have a beautiful dog named Molly,and 9 people in my family total.PICTURES OF EMILY'S PLACE

So how did us girls meet?
Well, in 2006 Emily's mom and my mom knew each other, and they decided to get me and Emily emailing and we immediately became the best of friends. Then a while later i got this email from Hannah, introducing herself and all. Confused as to how this girl got a hold of my email, so i asked mom and she shed some light on the matter. She knew Hannah's mom and Hannah had been looking for some people to email so my mom gave her my email. Soon Hannah and i were emailing several times a day (when we probably should have being doing school). Then a while later i was chatting with both Emily and Hannah and telling each about the other and they wanted to meet each other so we started group chatting, and after that we became very close friends.

(this is part of Kelowna)
And Andrea Chavonne's favourite colours are:
- Dark Purple
- Chocolate brown
- Navy
- Lime Green
Thanks for the questions Andrea. :)
Hope you guy's have a great week! =)
-The Three Of Us