Verse of the week: Corinthians 13:8, "Charity never faileth; but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether their be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Joke of the week: A foreman of a factory was making his rounds inspecting, how all of the workers were doing their jobs. "Well" he said to one blonde worker, "I see your doing a very diligent job of stamping all of the boxes, THIS SIDE UP." "Yes," the worker replied eager to please. "And just to be extra sure I stamped the bottom also."
The answer for our riddle in our last newsletter Lauren was correct. The answer was the letter 'E'. Good job Lauren! :)
Poll of the week: Would you rather:
cellphone or,
if you wish to vote on the pole please leave a comment
Word of the week: Onomatopoeia (pronounced: on-uh- mat-uh-pee-uh, -mah-tuh)
1.The formation of a word, as cuckoo or boom, by imitation ofa sound made by or 2.associated with its referent.
a word so formed.
3. Rhetoric. the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical effect.
Quote/Poem of the week: "A slinky plus escalator equals everlasting fun." ~Unknown
Song of the week: Happy Birthday

Movie of the week: Amazing Grace

Book of the week: The Cross and the Switchblade

Color of the week: Lavender

Food of the week: Mango

Dessert of the week: Lemon Meringue Pie
Plant/Tree of the week: Pine Tree

Famous person of the week: Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of England
Elizabeth the first of England:
Born on September 7, 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I Queen of England reigned from November 17, 1558-March 24 1603 (44 years 127 days). She was nicknamed, "The virgin Queen" because she never married. She was the fifth monarch of the Tudor Dynasty. She was the second child of Henry VIII. Her older half-sister Mary, (aka Bloody Mary) lost her position as legitimate heir when Henry annulled his marriage to Mary's mother, Catherine of Aragon to order to marry Elizabeth's mother Anne Boleyn. Henry VIII died in 1547 when Elizabeth was 13 years old and was succeeded by her half-brother Edward VI. During his reign Elizabeth was sent away and didn't return until 1548. Edward died on July 6, 1553 at the age of 15. His will excluded both his older half-sisters Mary and Elizabeth from the succession and instead declared as his heir, Lady Jane Grey, granddaughter pf Henry VIII's sister Mary, Duchess of Suffolk. When Elizabeth's older half-sister Mary had planned on marrying Prince Philip of Spain, rebellion started. Lady Grey had tried to stop the rebellion but instead got herself executed on February 15 in the Tower of London. Elizabeth was then imprisoned because of suspicion that she was involved in the rebellion. Elizabeth's supporters convinced to Mary to spare her younger half-sisters life, and Elizabeth was sent away to Woodstock on May 22, where she spent almost a year under house arrest in the charge of Sir Henry Bedingfield.
Everybody thought that Mary was pregnant so Elizabeth was called out of her house arrest on April 17 1555 to join her sister at the castle. When it become apparent that her sister was not pregnant Elizabeth's succession to the throne was assured. Mary become ill in 1558 and later died on November 17th, 1558 at St. James Palace.
Eleven days later Elizabeth succeeded the throne of England at the age of 25. She considered many suiters until she was about fifty.
Elizabeth helped many people during her reign. For example one of the first things she did as queen was to help the Scottish people get rid of the French. She was a good queen for a long time and many people loved and respected her. But near the end of her reign England was getting deep in debt. When she died March 24, 1603 (at the age of 69) at Richmond England, many people were sad and some were happy to get rid of her and have a new monarch.

Place of the week: Jamaica

Clothing/shoe of the week: Summer dress

Random picture of the week: starfish on a rock
Animal of the week: Dolphin
Dolphins are Marine Animals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. They vary in size from 1.2 m (4 ft) and 40 kg (90 lbs). There are around 40 species of them. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of continental shelves, and are carnivores mostly eating fish and squid. The largest dolphin family is the, Delphinidae. They are one of the most smartest animals, and are very playful and friendly. Most dolphins have acute eyesight both in water and out. They can also hear ten times or more above the upper limit of an adult hearing. It is believed hearing underwater is also if not exclusively done with the lower jaw, which conducts sound to the middle ear via a fal-filled cavity in the lower jaw bone. Except for humans dolphins have very few enimies. For the smaller dolphins there are sharks of many kinds, (Bull shark, tiger shark, dusky shark and the great white shark). Although some may not believe it the Orcas (aka Killer Whale) is the largest dolphin out there. The orcas is not known for playing and rescuing people like all of the other dolphins. In fact the Orcas is known to attack people.
Prayer list of the week:Egypt
people are war
the ill
people who aren't saved and no the Lord, God
People who are traveling
Thank-you for your views and for your comments!
God Bless.
~The Three of us